Sexual Assault Action Month
April 2022
SAAM Calendar of Events
April 5- TEAL Day: Wear Teal to Show Support for Survivors. Social sharing? Tag us online @LuminaAlliance
April 11- An Evening with Tarana Burke, 5- 6 pm: CalPoly Safer is bringing the activist, author, and founder of the “Me Too” movement to SLO. Register today.
April 14- Healing Isn’t Linear, 1-2:30 pm: A zoom workshop offered by CalPoly Safer. Register and learn more.
April 14- SAAM Community Gathering, 5:30-7 pm: This is an opportunity for anyone impacted by the multiple sexual assaults that have been shared by dozens of survivors on local media to share, discuss, and process together. Join us at the SLO Library.
April 21- Disability Tapas, 11-noon: A zoom workshop offered by CalPoly Safer, about accommodations for survivors. Register and learn more.
RESCHEDULED June 3rd- Flashlight Movie Screening, Presented by BHE Renewables, 5:30-8:15 pm: Movie screening at The Palm Theater in San Luis Obispo, followed by a panel discussion with local experts. More information coming soon.
April 27- Denim Day: Wear Denim to Show Support for Survivors. Social sharing? Tag us online @LuminaAlliance. Learn More About Denim Day.
April 28- Take Back the Night, 6-8 pm: Hosted by Cal Poly Safer, a candlelight vigil at UU Plaza on the Cal Poly campus. All are welcome.
All Month- Teal Ribbons: Visit our teal ribbon art installation
created in partnership with the AXO Chapter at Cal Poly. More details coming soon.