ReDefine Parenting

Our unique program is designed to equip parents with the tools and insights necessary to guide their children towards a future free from sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

Laura H. (Parent Champion), Christina F. (Parent Champion), Amber S. (Consent Educator), Odyssey N. (Parent Champion), Christina K. (Facilitator)

Shaping Safe Futures for Families

Are you a parent or caregiver looking to empower your child with the knowledge and skills to navigate a world of healthy relationships and respect? Look no further than The ReDefine Parenting Program. Our unique program is designed to equip parents with the tools and insights necessary to guide their children towards a future free from sexual assault and intimate partner violence.

What We Offer

The ReDefine Parenting Program offers a series of informational, training, and support  sessions led by our dedicated Parent Champions, who are committed to fostering safe and respectful environments for all. Parent Champions are peer educators and parents and caregivers of children in the schools where they teach. The program covers a wide range of essential topics to help parents tackle tough conversations in age appropriate ways, including:

  • Consent: We provide parents with practical guidance on teaching their children about the importance of consent, ensuring that they understand boundaries and personal autonomy.
  • Healthy Relationships: Our program provides insight into the building blocks of positive relationships, emphasizing the values of trust, communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence.
  • Boundaries: Parents learn how to communicate the significance of personal boundaries, both setting and respecting them, as a fundamental aspect of cultivating healthy connections.

Preventing Future Harm

By instilling these critical lessons in your children, you play a vital role in preventing sexual assault and intimate partner violence. The ReDefine Parenting Program recognizes that fostering a culture of consent and respect begins at home, and our sessions empower you to be the primary educators in your child’s life.
Join us in reshaping the future by participating in The ReDefine Parenting Program. Together, we can empower our children to build a world where healthy relationships, consent, and respect are the norm.

Current Schools Offering The ReDefine Parenting Program

Upcoming Training Dates:

C.L Smith Elementary
Session 1 – Consent & Boundaries: Thursday, February 22, 2024 6 pm-8 pm

Session 2: Healthy Friendships & Relationships: Thursday, February 29, 2024 6 pm-8 pm

Sinsheimer Elementary
Session 1- Consent & Boundaries: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6 pm-8 pm 

Session 2- Healthy Friendships & Relationships: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 6 pm-8 pm

Bellevue Charter School
Session 1- Consent & Boundaries: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6 pm-8 pm

Session 2- Healthy Friendships & Relationships: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 6 pm-8 pm

Interested in learning more? Email [email protected] for more information!

A large group of people sit on the floor in a room, looking at something out of frame
A posterboard held above a crowd that says _Fight today for a better tomorrow_