Become a Storyteller

Storytellers are vital in illustrating the impact of violence and inspiring hope for a safe, thriving, and equitable community.

Members of the Storytellers Bureau

Email the completed agreement to [email protected]

Storytellers are anyone impacted by sexual and/or intimate partner violence, as well as those involved in fulfilling Lumina Alliance’s mission. Storytellers include volunteers, board members, staff, community partners, donors, and more.

Storytelling Principles of Trust

When survivors ask to share their stories, we promise to:

  • Encourage and promote a wide spectrum of experiences and stories
  • Frame stories from a position of strength and not victimization
  • Be transparent about why people are being asked to share their stories, as well as any expectations and goals for their story sharing
  • Request prior approval from story sharers before sharing their personal information and stories and before referring to a third-party
  • Provide training in public speaking and/or interviews
  • Assess and share any potential risks or safety concerns in advance
  • Respect story sharers’ right to say no or opt-out at any point
  • Provide ample support before, during, and after the story-sharing process
  • Encourage opportunities for healing through the story-sharing process
  • Stay faithful to our Storytellers Bill of Rights

Storytellers Bill of Rights

When sharing or being asked to share my story by Lumina Alliance, I have the right to:

  • Choose when, where, how, and if to tell my story based on the request without any negative impact on my relationship with Lumina Alliance staff, the accessibility of Lumina Alliance services, or participation in Lumina Alliance programming
  • Ask for training and guidance before and after accepting invitations, referrals, etc.
  • Invite a support person to be with me when I share my story
  • Ask who the audience is, how the story will be used, and the purpose of having my story told
  • Ask for safety and physical security in an open environment when I speak
  • Answer only questions that I am comfortable with
  • Use discretion in order to protect myself, my loved ones, and our personal information
  • Be recognized and identified as I choose
  • Build my own brand and promote myself
  • Ask for editing rights over my story and how I am identified
  • Not be expected to represent experiences that are not my own
  • Ask that my story not be shared without my explicit consent
  • Ask for transportation to an in-person meeting or event where I am asked to speak
  • Opt out at any time