Community Outreach

Lumina Alliance provides trauma-informed and culturally sensitive Education programs to the Central Coast community on various topics related to our mission, including healthy relationships, the dynamics of intimate partner violence, preventing relationship abuse, and much more. These presentations include interactive activities, discussions, and space for students to apply their own experiences to their learning. Our educators have experience in high school health and elective classes as well as colleges and universities. Here is a shortlist of workshops we currently offer:
For Students and Educators
- 1 Day Workshop
- 3-Day Workshop
- 5-Day Workshop
Our topics include:
- Healthy Relationships
- Healthy relationship spectrum
- Boundaries
- Dynamics of Abuse
- Teen Dating Violence 101
- Stalking 101
- Seeking services as a young person
- Consent
- Dynamics of consent
- Consent in everyday life
- Sexual Assault 101
- Seeking services as a young person
- Media Literacy
- Pop Culture
- Social Media
- News
- Porn literacy
- Discrimination and anti-bullying
- Microaggressions
- Cultural competency
- Becoming a leader and Community Engagement
*Our educators are also trained to support Community Action Partnership SLO’s sexual health programs by providing Positive Prevention Plus curriculum in local schools.
For Parents and Influential Adults
- Talking body autonomy and consent to your children
- Preventing Teen Dating Violence
- Having difficult conversations
- Supporting a child after they come out
- Empowering youth to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence
- Supporting a child through trauma
For Providers
- Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence 101
- Lumina Alliance services
- Trauma-informed care for healthcare professionals
- Reproductive Coercion and how to respond to disclosures
- Public Health and gender-based violence
- Intersectionality and the connection between sexual violence and systemic oppression
- Neurobiology of Trauma
- Self-care and Vicarious Trauma
To learn more about our presentations or to schedule a workshop for your school or parent group, email [email protected].
Medical & First Responder Training
Lumina Alliance provides training to those in the community that may encounter victims of sexual assault/abuse or intimate partner violence as a part of their workplace. Information is provided on what to do if someone discloses abuse/assaults, how to report to law enforcement, services provided by Lumina Alliance, and how to support a survivor. Any agency, business, or organization can contact the office for customized training. For more information, contact the office at [email protected].