Incarcerated Survivors
A survivor of sexual assault or intimate partner violence is not to blame. No one ever deserves to be sexually assaulted or abused. Lumina Alliance is committed to helping survivors heal— whether the abuse occurred while incarcerated or prior to incarceration does not change that.

Many survivors who are incarcerated choose not to seek help after experiencing sexual assault/abuse or intimate partner violence for many reasons. They may not want people to know about it, they may be worried about getting in trouble, or they may be worried about repercussions from the person causing the harm.
Lumina Alliance is here to support you, regardless of incarceration status. Incarcerated survivors can access our services via phone or by mail, at no cost to you. If you are currently being harmed, there are steps you can take to report the abuse if that’s what you want.
Sexual assault, sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence are traumatic experiences. Feelings of self-blame, shame, anger, fear, guilt, or grief are all common and can be made worse by isolation.
You may find you’re unable to concentrate or focus because you “can’t stop” thinking about what happened. You may also experience flashbacks that make you feel nervous, angry, or afraid. All these feelings are perfectly normal reactions.
If you have experienced sexual assault or harassment while incarcerated there are avenues to provide help. In 2012, the Department of Justice released standards called the Prison Rape Elimination Act. As part of these PREA standards, each detention facility in San Luis Obispo County has assigned a PREA officer. Lumina Alliance advocates can help you – you are not alone.
No matter what, the abuse was not your fault. It’s never too late to start healing from this experience. Lumina Alliance offers confidential services to incarcerated survivors at no cost to you. Please call our 24-hr crisis and information line at 805-545-8888 or send mail to:
PO Box 125
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93406
to learn more and be connected with an advocate.