Emergency Shelter

Lumina Alliance provides survivors of intimate partner violence or sexual assault/ abuse and their children with a safe, confidential space for healing and recovery. Families who live in the shelter receive personalized care and advocacy during their stay. Caring, trained staff members strive to meet every family’s individual needs during times of fear and uncertainty. Lumina Alliance operates three confidential safe houses. Two are located in North San Luis Obispo County and one is in San Luis Obispo.
Emergency Shelter is available for survivors of all genders and their children who are seeking safety and leaving an abusive relationship. Advocates evaluate each person’s unique circumstances to determine whether the survivor is eligible to stay in the safe house. Referrals and self-sufficiency services are offered to every survivor, even those who do not stay in a shelter. Services are available to all survivors, without regard to gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Cats and dogs may come with families into the shelter.
Call the 24-hour Crisis and Information line at (805) 545-8888 to speak with an advocate. The advocate will ask some questions to begin the process of determining if the emergency shelter is a good fit for you at this time. All calls are confidential.
During their stay at a Lumina Alliance shelter, residents have the opportunity to develop a plan to help them recover and achieve self-sufficiency. Services available to residents include therapy, self-sufficiency services, and provision of basic human needs like food and clothing.
Residents can stay in an emergency shelter for a maximum of 30 days with the opportunity to apply for up to two 2-week extensions, for a total of 60 days. Extensions are not guaranteed.