In-Kind Donations

Donations of a product or service are referred to as in-kind donations. We accept donations of items that could be used in our office, during presentations, at our emergency shelters & transitional housing units, raffle prizes and auction items for our fundraising events, or tokens of appreciation for our crisis line volunteers and staff. We also accept services that can offset our administration costs, such as printing, advertising, copier maintenance, and shelter maintenance services. As always, your in-kind donation is tax-deductible. Please contact the office with questions by emailing

Our highest need for in-kind donation items is gift cards for survivors. We gladly accept gift cards to stores where clothing, food, and gas can be purchased. By donating gift cards, you empower Lumina Alliance clients to make purchasing decisions for themselves and their families.
Our general needs include:
- Grocery & big box store gift cards and gas cards
- New, unopened cleaning supplies (all purpose cleaner, bathroom cleaners, bleach wipes, brooms/dustpans, dryer sheets, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, mops, sponges)
- New, unopened household supplies (foil, paper towels, plastic wrap, coffee filters, toilet paper, trash bags)
- New kitchen supplies (can openers, mixing bowls, cutting boards, knife sets, mixing spoons, pans, full sets of plates, pots, full sets of silverware, spatulas, Tupperware, full dinner dish sets)
- New linens (bath mats & towels, mattress covers, bedding for twin, full, or queen beds)
- Full size, unopened personal care items (shampoo & conditioner & deodorant, body wash, lotion, sunscreen, dental care products, hair brushes, tweezers, nail clippers, loofas)
- New, unopened pajamas (child & adult), sweatshirts & sweatpants
We accept these items on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact us to see if there is a current need:
- Furniture, beds, or kitchen appliances
- Laptops & TVs, 4 years old or less (please completely wipe hard drive before donating
Our agency does not accept certain items:
- New or used clothing, socks, and shoes
- Please donate to local thrift stores.
- New or used stuffed animals & toys
- Please donate to a local animal shelter. Thank you!
- Travel-sized toiletries
- Please donate to a local homeless shelter
- Food
- Books